The life and death of Jimmy Zappalorti
by Robert Zappalorti

On January 22, 1990, Jimmy Zappalorti, age 44, was murdered on Staten Island, New York. The City had seen its share of hatred of and violence against gays, but the brutality of the slaying of Jimmy Zappalorti could not simply be ig­nored as just another statistic on a chart. Heinous in the ex­treme, it sparked protests that led to New York State passing its first hate crimes bill in 2000.

Stained Glass Windows tells Jimmy’s story from his youth in Brooklyn, his high school years on Staten Island, his coming out in the Navy (and the subse­quent attack that caused a nervous breakdown), his life upon returning to Staten Island, his work in the family’s stained glass business, his love of art and music, his forays into Greenwich Village, and his untimely death at the hands of two men who hated him only because he was gay.

This book is a must-read, true crime and family saga about a murder that shocked a city and state into taking action against prejudice. Stained Glass Windows is available at Words Take Flight.

Robert T. Zappalorti manages an environmental consulting busi­ness, Herpetological Associates, Inc., Plant and Wildlife Consultants. He is also an accomplished photographer, writer, and actor.

On November 30, 2014, a memorial tree was planted in Jimmy’s memory at the site of the former glass shop.
See photos and description of the event.

City Renames Street in Honor of Vietnam Vet Killed in Anti-Gay Hate Crime
Time Warner Cable News / NY 1 — report by Stephanie Officer, May 30, 2015

Links to News Articles

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This is a slide show of photos of Jimmy's family and news images: from family snapshots to Jimmy in the Navy, the work in the glass shop, the beach house, the arrest of his slayers, the tri­butes and aftermath, the campaign for hate-crime legistation in New York State, and Bert Coff­man — founder of The Zappalorti Society (in Jimmy's honor), organized to offer LGBT mem­bers mental health support. (Hold mouse over photos to pause slide changes.)

The Original Song: “In Jimmy’s Name”

Bobby Zappalorti Jr.
On the first Saturday of May 1990, five months after Jimmy’s death, several of Jimmy’s friends organized a memorial concert at the Pink Flamingo bar in Green­wich Village, Manhattan. Robert Zappalorti’s oldest son, Bobby Jr., and his band, “Lonely Nights in Paris,” were asked to perform at the memorial concert for Jimmy. Before singing the song he com­posed, Bobby introduced his father, Robert Sr., who thanked the large crowd for the support they had given his family and for their ongoing effort to pressure legislators in Albany to pass the lingering “Hate Crimes Bill” for New York State.

Bobby Jr. then took the microphone and told the crowd that he had written the song while sit­ting in Jimmy’s beach house. “I was inspired by his spiritual presence and the fond memories I have of my uncle. The song is titled: ‘In Jimmy’s Name.’”

Click arrow to play the song.  

Sample stained glass windows installed in various churches made by Michael and
Sons Studio, formerly at 123 Androvette Street, Charleston, Staten Island, New York