Memorial Tree Planting

On November 30, 2014, family members and friends assembled to plant a tree in Jimmy’s memory. The memorial tree was planted next to two plaques, one donated by the Charleston Civic Association and the other by the U.S. Navy. On January 22, 1990, at age 44, Jimmy Zappalorti was murdered here in Charleston, Staten Island, New York.

My late brother, Jimmy, was an innocent soul who knew no fear, would only look for the good in people and never thought evil could touch him. But he was wrong. Although Jimmy lived a simple life, his murder propelled him to local martyrdom. Would Jimmy have ever thought that his life—and death—would have an impact on millions of people? Probably not, because he was too modest, too innocent to believe that his sacrifice would affect so many other lives. Jimmy was a good son to his parents, a lover of art and beauty, a musician, and finally—a victim of hate.

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